


評論: 更新日期:2013年12月18日

??? 3.7緊急事件/事故處理培訓和演練
??? 3.7.1為確保項目工程施工人員熟悉、了解緊急事件/事故處理應急管理措施要求,項目部應急管理辦公室,應根據(jù)項目工程各施工階段的應急管理實際需要,組織相應的應急管理知識培訓。
??? 3.7.2為提高各級人員的應急反應能力,項目部應急管理辦公室,應根據(jù)各施工階段的實際需要,組織相應的應急管理演練。
??? 3.7.3 經(jīng)演練證實應急管理措施不能滿足相應應急管理需要,需進行修改完善時,應急管理措施的修訂和修訂審批程序,應按原應急管理措施的編制、審批程序進行。修訂后的應急管理措施,應及時下發(fā)有關(guān)單位和人員,必要時,應組織相應的培訓或演練。
??? 4.事故管理
???? --在施工中發(fā)生人身傷害事故,要立即組織搶救傷者,并采取必要措施,防止事態(tài)擴大;
??? --發(fā)生一般事故,在規(guī)定的時間內(nèi)報告公司總部、監(jiān)理公司、業(yè)主等有關(guān)部門,發(fā)生火災事故要先打火警電話,在安全的狀態(tài)下積極組織撲救;
??? 發(fā)生死亡或重大設(shè)備、火災、爆炸事故,在搶救傷者的同時,要保護好事故現(xiàn)場,停止一切作業(yè),等候有關(guān)部門調(diào)查處理,在規(guī)定時間內(nèi)報有關(guān)部門,并做好善后工作。成立事故調(diào)查組,認真組織事故調(diào)查,查清事故原因;嚴格按照事故“四不放過”的原則進行處理;
??? --發(fā)生事故按照規(guī)定的程序及時填寫事故報表等有關(guān)資料,按時上報有關(guān)部門。
??? --苯乙烯項目包施工中發(fā)生的任何異常情況及險情都需及時向XXXXXXHSE主管部門報告。
??? 8、醫(yī)療設(shè)施和急救設(shè)施計劃
??? 為滿足所有進入苯乙烯項目包施工的員工的健康保健需要及對醫(yī)療、急救的需要,項目部將根據(jù)施工過程中,進入施工現(xiàn)場的員工數(shù)量配備相應的醫(yī)護人員及適當?shù)募本?、包扎藥品,現(xiàn)場留有值班車以備急需。并執(zhí)行如下程序:
??? 1. .急救報告
??? 急救事項發(fā)生后,施工人員應立即向應急辦公室報告并同時報告XXXXXX。若是人身傷害事故發(fā)生打120;火災事故撥打119。
??? 2.急救現(xiàn)場處置
??? 2.1有人受傷
??? ①自己受傷
??? --保持鎮(zhèn)定;
??? --請求別人護送到指定醫(yī)院或撥打120急救電話
??? --接受急救,輕傷亦需要;
???? ②他人受傷
??? --保持鎮(zhèn)定;
??? --如現(xiàn)場危險,按正確救護的方式先將傷者移離危險地(但自己必須處于安全環(huán)境);
??? --打急救電話:120;
??? --安慰傷者,包扎傷口,對危及生命的傷員要采取人工呼吸、心肺復蘇等急救措施;
??? --立即送醫(yī)院搶救。
??? 3、急救事項發(fā)生后,現(xiàn)場指揮人員在保障人身安全的情況下采取措施防止事項擴大,減少財產(chǎn)損失。
??? 3.1如需人員撤離出事地點組織人員從安全通道撤離現(xiàn)場。
??? 3.2人員撤離現(xiàn)場和應急事項控制后,由應急辦公室負責進行善后處理工作。
??? 4、如是事故造成急救,在搶救傷者的同時,對事故現(xiàn)場進行有效的保護,如設(shè)置圍欄或拉警戒線等。
??? 5、相關(guān)部門與聯(lián)絡方法
??? XXXXXX SECCO HSE 部門電話??? 67250411???????? XXXXXX醫(yī)療站???? 67250476?
??? 醫(yī)療救護(救護車):??? 120?????????? 67250239?????? 67250246
??? 9、保安計劃
??? 1 停車PARKING
??? 只允許在指定的區(qū)域停車。應標識授權(quán)的公司和區(qū)域使用的規(guī)定。財產(chǎn)中的所有車輛應是車輛業(yè)主的風險,業(yè)主或中石化十公司不承擔這類車輛損壞或被盜竊的責任。 Parking will be permitted in designated areas only. Signs shall be posted listing the authorized company(s) and rules governing the use of the area. All vehicles on the property will be at the risk of the vehicle owner and neither Owner, or TCC SINOPEC accepts responsibility for damage to or theft of or from such vehicles.
??? 2. 入口大門ENTRANCE GATE
??? 中石化十公司雇員,分包商和/或廠家只能使用指定的進出現(xiàn)場大門。采購和承包人員應與廠家和分包商進行安排以便知道使用那一個大門和本項目的現(xiàn)場位置。TCC SINOPEC employees, subcontractors and/or venders shall use only the designated gate for entrance and exit to and from the job site. Procurement and contract personnel will make arrangements with vendors and subcontractors so that they will know which gate to use and job site location on the project.
??? 3. 人行道和車行道WALKS AND ROADWAYS
??? 所有的人員和/或分包商在進入或離開現(xiàn)場時,在從一個區(qū)域轉(zhuǎn)移動到另一個區(qū)域,或在接收材料時只能使用指定的人行道和車行道。禁止采用捷徑或未指定的路徑。 All personnel and/or subcontractors will use only designated walks and roadways when entering or leaving the jobsite, when moving from one area to another, or when obtaining material. The use of short cuts or un-designated pathways is prohibited.
??? 在本項目所有的人員都應佩帶徽章。該徽章應標識雇員的公司,雇員的姓名和編號。雇員只能佩帶公司發(fā)的安全帽。分包商應佩帶與在項目現(xiàn)場的業(yè)主、中石化十公司或其他分包商不同顏色的安全帽。All personnel shall wear their badges at all times when on the project. The badge shall identify the employee by company, employee name and assigned number. Employees shall wear only company issued hard hats. Subcontractor(s) will wear a different color hard hat that of Owner, TCC SINOPEC or other subcontractor(s) on project site.
??? 廠商和/或參觀者需要得到許可由承包協(xié)調(diào)員陪同進入現(xiàn)場。在得到許可之后,應發(fā)給廠商或參觀者一個臨時參觀徽章并在項目中始終佩帶,在離開現(xiàn)場時還給保安部門。廠商或參觀者應佩帶公司發(fā)的安全帽。Vendors and/or visitors will require permission to enter by a contract coordinator. After permission is obtained the vendor or visitor will be issued a temporary visitor badge that is to be worn at all times while on the project and returned to security upon each departure of the site.
??? Vendors or visitors shall wear a company-issued hard hat or that of the host company only.
??? 從該項目撤除的所有的工具和材料,垃圾除外,必須擁有中石化十公司和業(yè)主出具的材料通行證。材料通行證必須由中石化十公司和業(yè)主指定的代表簽字。安全代表保留一份原件,一份復印件必須隨材料一起出大門。兩份復印件交給門衛(wèi)。All tools and materials, other than trash, that is removed from the project must be accompanied by a material pass contained from the TCC SINOPEC/Owner. The material pass must be signed by a designated representative of TCC SINOPEC and Owner. The Safety Representative retains one copy and the original and one copy must accompany the material to the gate. Both copies are to be surrendered to the gate guard.
??? 中石化十公司和/或業(yè)主保留搜查中石化十公司雇員、分包商、廠商和參觀者的人身和/或財產(chǎn)的權(quán)利。TCC SINOPEC and/or Owner, reserves the right to the search of person and/or property of TCC SINOPEC employees and subcontractor(s), vendors and visitors when on Owner, property.
??? 7. 賭博GAMBLING
??? 禁止各種類型的賭博。All forms of gambling are prohibited.
??? 8. 照相機CAMERAS
??? 未經(jīng)中石化十公司和業(yè)主、項目安全經(jīng)理的書面同意禁止使用照相機。Cameras are prohibited without the expressed written consent of the TCC SINOPEC/Owner, Project Safety Manager.
??? 不允許任何酗酒或服用非法毒品的人員進入該項目或在現(xiàn)場閑逛。Any person under the influence of or in the possession of any intoxicating liquor or illegal drug will not be permitted to enter the project or loiter on property.
??? 現(xiàn)場不允許攜帶武器、酒精飲料、麻醉藥或炸藥。Firearms, alcoholic beverage, narcotics or explosives will not be permitted on property.
??? 10. 交通規(guī)則TRAFFIC REGULATIONS
??? 10.1 機動車輛所需要的設(shè)備Equipment Required on Motor Vehicles
??? 裝置內(nèi)所有的機動車輛必須處于安全操作狀態(tài)。在進入裝置時,所有的機動車輛必須將有效的檢驗證貼在擋風玻璃上。對于不需要貼檢驗證的車輛或外來車輛,考慮到車輛的安全,下述設(shè)備必須處于良好的工作狀態(tài):(1)剎車,(2)燈-兩個前燈、尾燈、剎車燈,(3)喇叭,(4)消音器,(5)安全玻璃,(6)刮雨器和反光鏡。雙輪車輛應在每個雙輪上裝配適當?shù)膿跛?,當車輛行駛時,物體不會噴射到擋水板和后面。All motor vehicles in the plant must be in safe operating condition. When entering the plant, all motor vehicles must display a valid state inspection sticker on the windshield. For vehicles nor requiring a state inspection sticker or from out of state, the following equipment must be in proper working condition for the vehicle to be considered safe: (1) brakes; (2) lights-two headlights; tail lights; brake light; (3) horn; (4) muffler; (5) safety glass; (6) windshield wiper and rear mirror. Vehicles having dual wheels shall be equipped with suitable flaps on each dual wheel so that objects will not be ejected past the flaps, to the rear, when the vehicle is in motion.
??? (1)駕駛證Driver's license
??? 機動車輛駕駛員應遵守中國上海的駕駛許可證的規(guī)定。Motor vehicle drivers shall be qualified in accordance with driver's license regulations of? Shanghai , China.
??? (2)警告旗Warning flags
??? 超寬、超長的車輛應使用紅旗。Red flags shall be used on any load that extends beyond the front, side, or rear of any vehicle.
??? (3)交通標志Traffic signs
??? 所有的交通標志和信號,無論是固定式還是便攜式都應遵守,駕駛員必須與指定的代表合作指揮交通。All traffic signs and signals, whether fixed or portable, shall be obeyed, and drivers must cooperate with representatives appointed to direct traffic.
??? (4) 限速Speed limit
??? 所有的車輛應按裝置內(nèi)的限速駕駛。All vehicles shall be operated within the plants posted speed limits.
??? (5)駕駛與停車 Driving and Parking
??? 車輛應在街道的右側(cè)行駛并停放在為承包商雇員所指定的區(qū)域。車輛不應停留在阻礙或干擾消防栓或消防器材使用的地方。發(fā)動機運行時,車輛不能無人照看。Vehicles shall be driven on the right side of street and be parked in areas designated for contractor employee parking. Vehicles shall not be parked in such a manner as to sloe down, hinder, or interfere with the free flow of traffic. Vehicles shall not be parked so as to block or interfere with the use of fire hydrants or fire equipment. Vehicles shall not be left unattended with the motor running.
??? (6)讓路Right-of-way
??? 所有機動車輛應給步行者、自行車、救護車和消防器材讓路。所有的機動車輛駕駛員應懂得常規(guī)的駕駛禮貌。All motor vehicles shall give right-of-way to pedestrians, bicycles, ambulances, and fire fighting equipment. Ordinary driving courtesy shall be practiced by all drivers of motor vehicles.
??? (7)乘客Passengers
??? 乘客應限制到由業(yè)主確定的合理人數(shù),車輛不應擁擠。機動車輛駕駛員應不允許乘客坐在擋泥板、踏腳板、頂棚或機動車輛的緩沖器上。乘客應將所有的物品放在駕駛室內(nèi)或車上,車輛行駛時必須坐穩(wěn)。必須將后擋板提起。車輛行駛時,乘客不能上車或下車。Passengers shall be limited to a reasonable number determined by owner and vehicle shall not be over crowned. Drivers of motor vehicles shall not permit passengers to ride on fenders, running boards, tops, or bumpers of motor vehicles. Passengers shall keep all parts of their bodies inside the cab or body of vehicles and must be seated while vehicle is in motion. Tailgates must be kept raised. Passengers shall not get on or off a vehicle while it is in motion.
??? (8)擋風玻璃或窗戶阻塞Windshield or window obstruction
??? 裝置內(nèi)不允許車輛使用帶有不透明的材料,而妨礙任何一側(cè)窗戶或擋風玻璃的能見度。所有的車輛應裝有適當?shù)暮笠曆b置。車輛或阻礙觀察后面的設(shè)備應配備報警。Vehicles having nontransparent materials, which interfere with clear visibility through any side window or windshield, shall not be operated in the plant. All vehicles shall be equipped with adequate rear-view devices. Vehicles or equipment with an obstructed view to the rear shall be equipped with a back up alarm.
??? (9)街道、道路障礙物、消防器材或消防設(shè)施Obstructing streets, roads, fire equipment or fire fighting facilities
??? 除非在應急情況,未經(jīng)承包人員的許可,承包商不應堵塞道路/街道。當承包商的工作阻塞街道的道路,承包商應提供認可的燈具、柵欄、警告設(shè)施或信號員。消防器材、消防設(shè)施和消防栓不能被停留的車輛堵塞。Except in emergency situations, contractor shall not block roads/streets without permission from contact person. When contractor's work obstructs a road of street, contractor shall provide approved lights, barriers, warning devices, or signalmen. Fire equipment, fire fighting facilities, and fire hydrants must not be blocked by parked vehicles.
??? 兩苯土建施工現(xiàn)場內(nèi)由本公司公安處干警實行巡邏和保衛(wèi),夜間設(shè)專人值班。發(fā)生異常事件立即與XXXXXXCECCO保安部門聯(lián)系,有必要的時候通知110及當?shù)嘏沙鏊?br /> ??? 聯(lián)系電話:? XXXXXXCECCO HSE部門? 67250411??? 當?shù)嘏沙鏊? 57255123????
??? 10、記錄文件
??? --苯乙烯項目包土建施工過程中HSE管理記錄的編制、采集、整編和保管,由項目部安全部工程技術(shù)人員共同負責組織實施和管理;
??? 1 HSE管理記錄的分類與分類內(nèi)容
??? 1.1 HSE管理記錄的分類
??? --項目準備過程HSE管理記錄;
??? --項目工程施工過程HSE管理記錄;
??? --項目工程施工過程HSE因素 (危險源) 監(jiān)視和測量記錄。
??? 1.2 HSE管理記錄的分類內(nèi)容
??? 1.2.1 HSE管理體系管理記錄內(nèi)容
??? --HSE管理培訓記錄;
??? --內(nèi)、外部HSE管理體系審核記錄;
??? --HSE管理體系管理評審記錄。
??? 1.2.2施工過程HSE管理記錄內(nèi)容
??? --施工準備過程范圍內(nèi)的HSE管理記錄;
??? --施工過程范圍內(nèi)的HSE管理記錄。
??? 1.2.3項目工程施工過程HSE因素 (危險源) 監(jiān)視和測量記錄內(nèi)容
??? --施工過程中本公司內(nèi)部組織的HSE管理檢查記錄;
??? --施工過程中國家、施工所在地政府及XXXXXXCECCO組織的HSE管理檢查記錄;

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