

點擊數(shù):   更新日期:2008年10月05日


發(fā) 文 號:1986年3月27日國務院批準1986年6月5日國家計劃委員

第一條 為了加強對中國設計機構同外國設計機構合作設計工程項目(以下簡稱合作設計)的管理,促進合作設計活動的開展,特制定本規(guī)定。
第二條 中國投資或中外合資、外國貸款工程項目的設計,需要委托外國設計機構承擔時,應有中國設計機構參加,進行合作設計。中國投資的工程項目,中國設計機構能夠設計的,不得委托外國設計機構承擔設計,但可以引進與工程項目有關的部分設計技術或向外國設計機構進行技術經(jīng)濟咨詢。外國在中國境內(nèi)投資的工程項目,原則上也應由中國設計機構承擔設計;如果投資方要求由外國設計機構承擔設計,應有中國設計機構參加,進行合作設計。
第三條 需要進行合作設計的工程項目(包括合作設計所需的外匯),按照項目管理權限,由主管部門或建設單位在上報項目建議書或設計任務書的同時,提出申請,經(jīng)批準后方可對外開展工作。小型項目,按隸屬關系由主管部門或省、自治區(qū)、直轄市計劃委員會批準。大中型項目,按隸屬關系由主管部門或省、自治區(qū)、直轄市提出審查意見,報國家計劃委員會審批;其中特大型項目,由國家計劃委員會組織初審,提出審核意見,報國務院批準。項目的主管部門或建設單位在擇優(yōu)選定外國設計機構的同時,應選定中國的合作設計機構。
第四條 外國設計機構經(jīng)設計資格審查合格者,方可承擔中國工程項目的設計任務。外國設計機構的資格是否合格,由項目的主管部門進行審查。審查設計資格是否合格的主要內(nèi)容:(一)外國設計機構所在國或地區(qū)出具的設計資格注冊證書;(二)技術水平、技術力量和技術裝備狀況;(三)承擔工程設計的資歷和經(jīng)營管理狀況;(四)社會信譽。
第五條 合作設計雙方必須簽訂合作設計合同,明確雙方的權利和義務。合作設計合同應包括以下內(nèi)容:(一)合作設計雙方的名稱、國籍、主營業(yè)所和法定代表人的姓名、職務、國籍、住所;(二)合作的目的、范圍和期限;(三)合作的形式,對設計內(nèi)容、深度、質量和工作進度的要求;(四)合作設計雙方對設計收費的貨幣構成、分配方法和分配比例;(五)合作設計雙方工作聯(lián)系的方法;(六)違反合同的責任;(七)對合同發(fā)生爭議時的解決方法;(八)合同生效的條件;(九)合同簽訂的日期、地點。
第六條 在簽訂合作設計合同時,被選定為合作設計的主設計方應與項目委托方簽訂設計承包合同。
第七條 合作設計可以包括從工程項目的勘察到工程設計的全過程,也可選擇其中某一階段進行合作。
第八條 合作設計項目的設備選型和材料選用,經(jīng)合作設計雙方協(xié)商后由主設計方提出,在確保生產(chǎn)工藝技術或使用要求的條件下,應優(yōu)先選用中國的設備和材料。
第九條 合作設計應采用先進的、適用的標準規(guī)范,合作設計雙方應互相提供擬采用的范本。
第十條 合作設計雙方要進行設計條件會審,并對設計質量負責。合作設計雙方按合同完成設計后,送項目委托方審查認可。
第十一條 在合作設計中,外國設計機構需要的地形、地質、水文、氣象、環(huán)境調查等基礎資料,由項目委托方按類別向各主管部門辦理審批手續(xù),實行有償提供。使用資料者不得向第三方轉讓。
第十二條 在合作設計的過程中,合作設計雙方應按合同要求嚴格履行自己的義務,如未達到合同要求,應按合同規(guī)定承擔責任。
第十三條 合作設計雙方設計所得收入,應按中國有關稅法規(guī)定納稅。
第十四條 香港、澳門設計機構與境內(nèi)設計機構進行合作設計,參照本規(guī)定執(zhí)行。
第十五條 本規(guī)定由國家計劃委員會負責解釋。
第十六條 本規(guī)定自一九八六年七月一日起施行。?
【章名】Important Notice: (注意事項)
英文本源自中華人民共和國務院法制局編譯, 中國法制出版社出版的《中華人民共和國涉外法規(guī)匯編》(1991年7月版).
當發(fā)生歧意時, 應以法律法規(guī)頒布單位發(fā)布的中文原文為準.This English document is coming from "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THEPEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA GOVERNING FOREIGN-RELATED MATTERS" (1991.7)which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the StateCouncil of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the ChinaLegal System Publishing House.In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.
【章名】Whole Document (法規(guī)全文)
INTERIM PROVISIONS CONCERNING CHINESE-FOREIGN COOPERATION IN THEDESIGNING OF ENGINEERING PROJECTS(Approved by the State Council on March 27, 1986 and promulgatedby the State Planning Commission and the Ministry of Foreign EconomicRelations and Trade on June 5, 1986)Article 1These Provisions are formulated to strengthen the administration of thecooperation between Chinese designing institutions and foreign designinginstitutions in the designing of engineering projects (hereinafterreferred to as "cooperative designing") and to promote the development ofcooperative designing activities.Article 2As regards engineering projects to be financed by Chinese investment orChinese-foreign joint investment, or by foreign loans, when theirdesigning is to be entrusted to foreign designing institutions,cooperative designing shall be carried out with the participation ofChinese designing institutions.As regards engineering projects to be financed by Chinese investment, ifthe designing can be undertaken by Chinese designing institutions, thetask shall not be entrusted to any foreign designing institution, but partof the designing technology pertinent to the engineering project may beintroduced or foreign designing institutions may be approached forconsultancy on technological and economic matters.As regards engineering projects to be constructed within the territory ofChina and financed by foreign investment, the designing shall, inprinciple, be also undertaken by Chinese designing institutions; if theinvestors request that the designing be done by foreign designinginstitutions, cooperative designing shall be carried out with theparticipation of Chinese designing institutions.
Article 3In cases where engineering projects call for cooperative designing(including the foreign exchange needed for the cooperative designing), thecompetent authorities or the units undertaking the construction projectshall, in accordance with the limits of authority for the administrationof construction projects, make an application while submitting a writtenengineering project proposal or a written designing task report forexamination and approval; and only after obtaining approval can they beginto peck for foreign cooperation. For small-scale engineering projects, thematter shall be approved by the competent authorities or by the planningcommissions of the provinces, autonomous regions, or municipalitiesdirectly under the Central Government in accordance with the respectivesubordinative relationships. For large and medium-sized engineeringprojects, the matter shall, in accordance with the respectivesubordinative relationships, be examined by the competent authorities orby the provinces, autonomous regions, or municipalities directly under theCentral Government, which shall then submit a report with their opinionsto the State Planning Commission for examination and approval. As toextra-large engineering projects, the State Planning Commission shallorganize preliminary examination and submit a report with its opinionsconcerning the examination to the State Council for approval.The competent authorities or the units undertaking the constructionprojects, while selecting the most qualified foreign designinginstitutions, shall also select domestic designing institutions for thecooperative designing.
Article 4Only after passing an examination of designing qualifications can aforeign designing institution be entrusted with the task of designing anengineering project in China. The competent authorities for theengineering project shall be responsible for examining the qualificationsof the foreign designing institution.The examination of designing qualifications covers the following mainitems:(1) a certificate of registered designing qualifications issued by thecountry or region where the foreign designing institution is located;(2) the technical level, technical force, and the state of itstechnological equipment;(3) the record of its experiences in undertaking project designing and thestate of its operations and management;(4) its reputation in society.Article 5A contract for cooperative designing shall be concluded between the twoparties in cooperation, stipulating explicitly the rights and obligationsof the two parties. The contract of cooperative designing shall includethe following main items:(1) the names of the two institutions in cooperation, their nationality,their head offices, and the names, positions, nationality and addresses oftheir respective legal representatives;(2) the purpose, scope and period of cooperation;(3) the form of cooperation, and the requirements for the contents, depthand quality of designs, and for work progress;(4) the mix of currencies in which the two cooperating parties wish to bepaid for their designing fees, and the methods and the proportions ofdistribution;(5) the ways of business communication between the two parties incooperation;(6) liabilities for the breach of contract;(7) the ways of settling disputes over the contract;(8) the conditions for the contract to be effective;(9) the date and place for signing the contract.
Article 6At the time when the contract for cooperative designing is signed, thechief designing party selected shall sign a contract for project designingwith the entrusting party of the engineering project.Article 7The cooperative designing may either cover the whole process of anengineering project, i.e., from prospecting to the designing of theproject, or just involve a particular phase of the project.Article 8With respect to the selection of the main types of equipment as well asthat of materials, the proposal in the matter shall, after consultationbetween the two

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