第一條 為維護中華人民共和國國家主權和權益,合理開發(fā)利用海洋,有秩序地鋪設和保護海底電纜、管道,制定本規(guī)定。
第二條 本規(guī)定適用于在中華人民共和國內海、領海及大陸架上鋪設海底電纜、管道以及為鋪設所進行的路由調查、勘測及其他有關活動。
第三條 在中華人民共和國內海、領海及大陸架上鋪設海底電纜、管道以及為鋪設所進行的路由調查、勘測及其他有關活動的主管機關是中華人民共和國國家海洋局(以下簡稱主管機關)。
第四條 中國的企業(yè)、事業(yè)單位鋪設海底電纜、管道,經(jīng)其上級業(yè)務主管部門審批同意后,為鋪設所進行的路由調查、勘測等活動,依照本規(guī)定執(zhí)行。
第五條 海底電纜、管道所有者(以下簡稱所有者),須在為鋪設所進行的路由調查、勘測實施60天前,向主管機關提出書面申請。申請書應當包括以下內容:
第六條 海底電纜、管道路由調查、勘測完成后,所有者應當在計劃鋪設施工60天前,將最后確定的海底電纜、管道路由報主管機關審批,并附具以下資料:
第七條 鋪設施工完畢后,所有者應當將海底電纜、管道的路線圖、位置表等說明資料報送主管機關備案,并抄送港監(jiān)機關。
第八條 海底電纜、管道的鋪設和為鋪設所進行的路由調查、勘測活動,不得在獲準作業(yè)區(qū)域以外的海域作業(yè),也不得在獲準區(qū)域內進行未經(jīng)批準的作業(yè)。
第九條 獲準施工的海底電纜、管道在施工前或施工中如需變動,所有者應當及時向主管機關報告。如該項變動重大,主管機關可采取相應措施,直至責令其停止施工。
第十條 海底電纜、管道的維修、改造、拆除和廢棄,所有者應當提前向主管機關報告。路由變動較大的改造,依照本規(guī)定重新辦理有關手續(xù)。
第十一條 海底電纜、管道的路由調查、勘測和鋪設、維修、拆除等施工作業(yè),不得妨害海上正常秩序。
第十二條 鋪設誨底電纜、管道及其他海上作業(yè),需要移動已鋪設的海底電纜、管道時,應當先與所有者協(xié)商,并經(jīng)主管機關批準后方可施工。
第十三條 從事海上各種活動的作業(yè)者,必須保護已鋪設的海底電纜、管道。造成損害的應當依法賠償。
第十四條 主管機關有權對海底電纜、管道的鋪設、維修、改造、拆除、廢棄以及為鋪設所進行的路由調查、勘測活動進行監(jiān)督和檢查。對違反本規(guī)定的,主管機關可處以警告、罰款直至責令其停止海上作業(yè)。
第十五條 為海洋石油開發(fā)所鋪設的超出石油開發(fā)區(qū)的海底電纜、管道的路由,應當在油(氣)田總體開發(fā)方案審批前報主管機關,由主管機關商國家能源主管部門批準。
第十六條 鋪設、維修、改造、拆除、廢棄海底電纜、管道以及為鋪設所進行的路由調查、勘測活動,本規(guī)定未作規(guī)定的,適用國家其他有關法律、法規(guī)的規(guī)定。
第十七條 中華人民共和國軍用海底電纜、管道的鋪設依照本規(guī)定執(zhí)行。軍隊可以制定具體實施辦法。
第十八條 主管機關應當收集海底地形、海上構筑物分布等方面的資料,為海底電纜、管道的鋪設及其調查、勘測活動提供咨詢服務。
第十九條 本規(guī)定中的“電纜”系指通信電纜及電力電纜;“管道”系指輸水、輸氣、輸油及輸送其他物質的管狀輸送設施。
第二十條 本規(guī)定由中華人民共和國國家海洋局負責解釋。
第二十一條 本規(guī)定自1989年3月1日起施行。?
【章名】Important Notice: (注意事項)
英文本源自中華人民共和國務院法制局編譯, 中國法制出版社出版的《中華人民共和國涉外法規(guī)匯編》(1991年7月版).
當發(fā)生歧意時, 應以法律法規(guī)頒布單位發(fā)布的中文原文為準.This English document is coming from the "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THEPEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA GOVERNING FOREIGN-RELATED MATTERS" (1991.7)which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the StateCouncil of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the ChinaLegal System Publishing House.In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.
【章名】Whole Document (法規(guī)全文)
PROVISIONS GOVERNING THE LAYING OF SUBMARINE CABLES AND PIPELINES(Adopted by the 32nd Executive Meeting of the State Council onJanuary 20, 1989, promulgated by Decree No. 27 of the State Council of thePeople's Republic of China on February 11, 1989, and effective as of March1, 1989)Article 1These Provisions are formulated in order to safeguard the sovereignty andthe rights and interests of the People's Republic of China, to carry outrational exploitation of seas and oceans, and to lay in an orderly way andprotect submarine cables and pipelines.Article 2These Provisions shall apply to the laying of submarine cables andpipelines in such areas as inland seas, territorial seas and continentalshelves under the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China, and alsoto the investigations and survey of routes and other relevant activitiesconducted for the aforesaid engineering projects.Article 3The competent authorities for the administration of the laying ofsubmarine cables and pipelines in such areas as the said inland seas,territorial seas and continental shelves, and also for the investigationsand survey of routes and other relevant activities for the aforesaidengineering projects, shall be the State Oceanographic Bureau of thePeople's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as "the competentauthorities").Article 4When China's enterprises or institutions plan to lay submarine cables andpipelines, they shall file an application with their superior authoritiesfor examination and approval before they conduct investigations and surveyof routes and other relevant activities for the aforesaid engineeringprojects in accordance with these Provisions. When foreign companies,enterprises and other foreign economic organizations or individuals havethe necessity to lay submarine cables and pipelines, and also to conductinvestigations and survey of routes and other relevant activities for theaforesaid engineering projects in the inland seas and territorial seas ofthe People's Republic of China, they shall, in accordance with theseProvisions, apply to the competent authorities for approval; if they havethe necessity to carry out the said activities on the continental shelvesof the People's Republic of China, they shall notify the competentauthorities in advance, but the routes they have selected and decided onfor laying the cables and pipelines must have the consent of the competentauthorities.
Article 5The owners of the submarine cables and pipelines (hereinafter referred toas "the owners") shall file a written application with the competentauthorities 60 days before they start the investigations and survey ofroutes for laying the submarine cables and pipelines. The writtenapplication shall contain the following:(1) the name, nationality, and residence of the owner;(2) the name, nationality, and residence as well as the chief person-in-charge of the unit which will conduct the investigations and survey of theroutes for laying the submarine cables and pipelines;(3) the precise geographical areas in which the investigations and surveyare to be conducted for laying the submarine cables and pipelines;(4) the time, the items, methods and equipment - including the ship to beused: its name, nationality, tonnage, and major pieces of equipment andtheir functions - for conducting the investigations and survey of routesfor laying the submarine cables and pipelines.The competent authorities shall make a reply within 30 days as of the dateof receipt of the application.Article 6After the investigations and survey for laying the submarine cables andpipelines have been completed, the owners shall submit a report,delineating the final decision on the routes for laying the submarinecables and pipelines 60 days before the laying project is started, to thecompetent authorities for examination and approval, and the report shallbe submitted together with the following data:(1) the purposes of laying the submarine cables and pipelines, thematerials to be used and their properties;(2) the precious route chart and position chart of the submarine cablesand pipelines, their starting point and terminal point, their relay points(stations) and their total length;(3) the construction contractor, time and plan for construction, andtechnical equipment;(4) a report on the repercussions of the cable-and pipeline-layingengineering project on marine resources and environment;(5) other explanatory data.The competent authorities shall make a reply within 30 days as of the dateof receipt of the application.Article 7After the completion of the engineering project, the owners shall submitall the explanatory data, such as the route chart and position chart ofthe submarine cables and pipelines, to the competent authorities for therecord, and send duplicates to the harbour