

點(diǎn)擊數(shù):   更新日期:2008年10月05日


發(fā) 文 號(hào):1987年1月19日國(guó)務(wù)院批準(zhǔn)1987年2月25日國(guó)家統(tǒng)計(jì)局
akealterations in the statistical data provided by statistical agencies andpersonnel according to the Statistics Law or statistical system. If theyconsider the relevant data untrue, they shall order the statisticalagencies and personnel and other relevant personnel to verify and correctthem. If the deadline for data reporting has come, the data may bereported first with due notations. If mistakes are really found afterverification, corrections shall be made without the time limit set by theleadership.Article 16If statistical data are needed in formulating policies and plans, checkingthe implementation of policies and plans, assessing economic and socialresults and performance, and meting out awards and penalties, etc.,leading organs at various levels shall, in accordance with the provisionsin Article 12 of the Statistics Law, take as solely credible thestatistical data bearing the signatures or seals of the statisticalagencies or persons in charge of statistics.Article 17The statistical agencies under the people's governments at various levelsmust provide good consultancy services in statistical information andserve the community by making full use of all social and economicinformation that can be made known to the public. Consultancy services instatistical information not controlled by the Statistics Law andstatistical systems but provided in conformity with the relevantprovisions of the State shall be non-gratuitous. The measures for suchnon-gratuitous services shall be formulated by the State StatisticalBureau in conjunction with the State Administration for Commodity Prices.
Article 18All localities, departments and units must implement the MeasuresConcerning Security and Administration of Statistical Data formulated bythe State Statistical Bureau so as to strengthen unified administration ofstatistical data.Article 19All localities, departments and units must establish systems ofstatistical data files and these files shall be properly kept, transferredand turned over in accordance with the relevant provisions of the StateArchives Bureau.
【章名】Chapter IV Statistical Agencies and Statistical Personnel
Article 20The function and responsibilities of the State Statistical Bureau shall beas follows:(1) formulating regulations concerning statistical work, drafting programsto update statistical work, drawing up State statistical investigationplans, leading and coordinating national statistical work and checking andsupervising the implementation of statistical laws and regulationsaccording to the State laws, policies and plans;(2) amplifying accounting systems of national economy and systems ofstatistical indexes, formulating the system of nationally unified formsfor basic data reporting, formulating solely or jointly with relevantdepartments national statistical standards and examining and approvingdepartmental statistical standards;(3) under the unified leadership of the State Council, organizing jointlywith relevant departments major general investigations of the nationalconditions and national strength, organizing and coordinating sampleinvestigations of social and economic conditions in urban and rural areasthroughout the country;(4) in accordance with the needs of the State in deciding policies,formulating plans and carrying out administration, collecting, sorting outand providing basic statistical data of the nation and conductingstatistical analysis, forecast and supervision of the national economicand social development;(5) examining the statistical investigation plans and their investigationprograms of the various departments under the State Council and exercisingcontrol over the investigation forms issued by the various departmentsunder the State Council;(6) checking, examining and approving, controlling, announcing andpublishing nationwide basic statistical data and regularly issuingstatistical bulletins concerning the national economic and socialdevelopment;(7) leading and controlling the groups responsible for sampleinvestigations of the social and economic conditions in the urban andrural areas throughout the country;(8) organizing and directing nationwide statistical scientific studies,statistical education, the training of statistical personnel and thepublication of statistical books and periodicals;(9) conducting international exchanges in statistical work and statisticalscience.
Article 21The functions and responsibilities of the statistical agencies under thelocal people's governments at or above the county level (includingmunicipal districts) shall be:(1) accomplishing tasks of national statistical investigations, applyingnational statistical standards and implementing the system of nationallyunified forms for basic statistical reporting;(2) drafting plans to update local statistical work, working outstatistical investigation plans and the investigation programs, leadingand coordinating the statistical work conducted by the central and localunits in the localities and checking and supervising the implementation ofstatistics laws and regulations;(3) collecting, sorting out, and providing basic statistical data andconducting statistical analysis, forecast and supervision of the essentialconditions of the economic and social development in their respectivelocalities in accordance with the needs of these localities in policyformulation, plan drafting and administration;(4) examining the statistical investigation plans and investigationprograms of the various departments in their respective localities andexercising control over the investigation forms devised and issued by thevarious departments in these localities;(5) checking, examining and approving, controlling, announcing andpublishing the basic statistical data of their own localities according torelevant stipulations. The statistical bureaux under the people'sgovernments in the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalitiesdirectly under the Central Government shall regularly publish statisticalbulletins pertaining to the national economic and social development intheir respective localities. The statistical agencies under the people'sgovernments of municipalities and counties shall publish statisticalbulletins according to the decisions of the people's governments at thesame level;(6) exercising unified control over the groups responsible for sampleinvestigations of the social and economic conditions in the urban andrural areas in the localities;(7) organizing and directing all the departments and units in thelocalities in strengthening their foundational statistical work,intensifying statistical education, the training of statistical cadres andstatistical scientific studies, assessing the performance of the cadres ofthe statistical agencies under the governments and the statisticians inthe townships and towns in their respective localities and meting outawards and penalties.The statistical agencies under the local people's governments at variouslevels shall be under the dual leadership of the people's governments atthe same levels as well as the statistical agencies under the people'sgovernments at the next higher levels; in terms of statistical work, theyshall be subject mainly to the leadership of the statistical agenciesunder the people's governments at the next higher levels.
Article 22The statisticians in townships and towns shall be responsible for localcomprehensive statistics. Their responsibilities are:(1) accomplishing tasks of national and local statistical investigation,applying national statistical standards, implementing the system ofnationally unified forms for basic statistical reporting, and checking andsupervising the implementation of statistical laws and regulations;(2) collecting, sorting out, analysing, providing and administering thestatistical data of the townships and towns in accordance with relevantstipulations;(3) organizing and directing relevant departments and individuals of t
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