發(fā) 文 號(hào):1987年1月19日國務(wù)院批準(zhǔn)1987年2月25日國家統(tǒng)計(jì)局
es out a major general investigation of nationalconditions and national strength (population, industries, agriculture,building industry, service trades, etc.) every ten years. A simplifiedinvestigation of population shall be conducted between two major generalinvestigations.(2) Departmental statistical investigation. It shall be a specializedstatistical investigation conducted by various departments. The plans andprograms of departmental statistical investigation shall be worked out byvarious specialized institutions concerned under statistical agencies inthe pertinent departments. If the objects of investigation are withintheir own systems of jurisdiction, the plans and programs shall beexamined and approved by the leaders of these departments and reported tothe State Statistical Bureau or the statistical agencies in the localpeople's governments at the same level for the record. If the objects ofinvestigation are outside the departmental system of jurisdiction, theplans and programs shall be reported to the State Statistical Bureau orthe statistical agencies in the local people's governments at the samelevel for examination and approval. Important plans and programs shall bereported to the State Council or the local people's governments at thesame level for examination and approval. The division of jurisdiction forstatistical investigation among various departments shall be worked out bythe State Statistical Bureau in consultation with the competentdepartments under the State Council and reported to the State Council forapproval and implementation.(3) Local statistical investigation. It shall be the statisticalinvestigation needed by local people's governments. The procedures forreporting and approval of local statistical investigation plans andprograms shall be stipulated by the statistical bureaux under the people'sgovernments of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalitiesdirectly under the Central Government and reported to the StateStatistical Bureau for the record.
Article 9Departmental and local statistical investigations may not overlap orcontradict national statistical investigation.The division of work among national statistical investigation,departmental statistical investigation and local statistical investigationshall be decided by the State Statistical Bureau after consultation withthe competent departments under the State Council and the statisticalbureaux under the people's governments of the provinces, autonomousregions and municipalities directly under the Central Government.Article 10The statistical data needed by the departments for comprehensivecoordination under the people's governments at various levels shallgenerally be obtained from the statistical agencies and the relevantcompetent departments under the people's governments at the same level.When necessity arises for direct statistical investigation, plans andprograms shall be worked out and implemented after being examined andapproved in accordance with the provisions of the Statistical Law andthese Rules.Article 11Statistical investigation plans shall be worked out on the basis ofprojects of statistical investigation. A project of statisticalinvestigation refers to a statistical investigation organized in aspecified time period for a certain investigation objective. The plan ofeach investigation project shall specify the following: name of project,organ to conduct the investigation, objective, scope, object(s), manner,duration, and main content of investigation. Investigation programs ofstatistical investigation projects shall be worked out simultaneously withthe statistical investigation plan. An investigation program shallinclude:(1) investigation forms to be filled out by objects of investigation andwritten directions;(2) overall statistical forms to be filled out and reported to theleadership and written directions;(3) the personnel and funds needed for statistical investigations and thesources thereof.
Article 12The statistical agencies under the people's governments at various levelsand those in the various competent departments shall strictly examine thestatistical investigation plans and their investigation programs sent infor examination as to their necessity, feasibility and scientificreliability. Those which do not conform to the provisions of these Rulesshall be returned for alterations or rejected. In drafting and examiningstatistical investigation programs, the following principles shall beadhered to:(1) if the relevant data can be obtained from the statisticalinvestigations which have been approved or conducted, no suchinvestigations shall be repeated;(2) comprehensive statistical investigation forms shall not be printed andissued if the objectives can be achieved through sample, key and typicalcase investigations or administrative registration. Regular statisticsshall not be conducted if a single investigation can satisfy the needs. Ifyearly statistics suffices the needs, no quarterly statistics shall beconducted; quarterly one suffices, no monthly one shall be done. Progressstatistics more frequent than monthly one must be strictly restrained;(3) before a new statistical investigation program is made public, testsshall be conducted at selected places, or the opinions of the relevantlocalities, departments and grassroots units be heard, and feasibilitystudy be made, so as to ensure that the program is practicable and thebest possible investigation result receives due attention;(4) the personnel and funds needed for the statistical investigationsshall be ensured.
Article 13For a statistical investigation program that has been approved accordingto the prescribed procedures, the designation of the organ which hasdevised the investigation form, serial number of the form, the designationof the organ to which the program has been sent for approval or for therecord and the serial number of approval shall all be indicated in theupper right-hand corner of the investigation form. The units andindividuals to be investigated shall fill out the forms accurately,promptly and gratuitously.Statistical investigation forms (including investigation outlines withcollecting statistical data as the main objective without the above-mentioned indicators shall be illegal forms, which all units andindividuals have the right to refuse to fill out and which the statisticalagencies under the people's governments at various levels are empowered tonullify.Article 14Without consent of the organ which has drawn up the statisticalinvestigation program, no unit or individual shall revise the indeximplications, scope of investigation, methods of calculation, classifiedtable of contents, format of the form, statistical codes, etc. asprescribed in the statistical investigation program.
【章名】Chapter III Administration and Announcement of Statistical Data
Article 15All localities, departments and units shall amplify the system ofexamination and verification of statistical data and guarantee theaccuracy and promptness of statistical data.The statistical data provided by various departments, enterprises andinstitutions shall be examined, verified, signed or sealed by the leadersof the respective departments and units or the persons responsible forstatistics before they are sent to the higher leadership. Data concerningfinancial statistics shall be provided by financial organs or financialpersonnel and shall be examined, verified and sealed by persons in chargeof financial departments. The statistical data provided by the statisticalagencies under the people's governments at various levels and by thestatisticians in townships and towns shall be examined, verified, signedor sealed by the leading personnel in the statistical agencies under thepeople's governments or by statisticians in townships and towns beforethey are sent to the higher levels.Leaders of various localities, departments and units shall not m