

點擊數(shù):   更新日期:2008年10月05日


發(fā) 文 號:1987年1月19日國務(wù)院批準(zhǔn)1987年2月25日國家統(tǒng)計局
t is coming from the "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THEPEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA GOVERNING FOREIGN-RELATED MATTERS" (1991.7)which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the StateCouncil of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the ChinaLegal System Publishing House.In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.
【章名】Whole Document (法規(guī)全文)
RULES FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE STATISTICS LAW OF THE PEOPLE'SREPUBLIC OF CHINA(Approved by the State Council on January 19, 1987, promulgated bythe State Statistical Bureau on February 15, 1987)
【章名】Chapter I General Provisions
Article 1These Rules are formulated in accordance with the provisions of theStatistics Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred toas the Statistics Law).Article 2The term statistics as used in the Statistics Law refers to the statisticsof national economic and social development. It mainly includes:statistics of population and labour force; statistics of national wealth;statistics of farming; forestry, animal husbandry, fishery and waterconservancy; statistics of industry; statistics of building industry;statistics of communications and transportation and post andtelecommunications; statistics of commerce, catering trade, supply andmarketing of materials and storage; statistics of real estateadministration, public utilities, neighborhood services and consultationservices; statistics of public health, physical culture and socialwelfare; statistics of education, culture and arts, broadcast, films andtelevision; statistics of scientific studies and comprehensive technicalservices; statistics of banking and insurance; statistics of finance andfinancial affairs; statistics of prices; statistics of comprehensivebalance of national economy; statistics of fixed assets investment;statistics of people's life; statistics of politics, law and civiladministration, etc..Article 3Statistical data must be provided in accordance with the provisions of theStatistics Law and these Rules by all the state organs, socialorganizations, enterprises and institutions, various self-employedbusiness operators and all types of economic partnerships in urban andrural areas; enterprises and institutions with exclusive foreign capital,or in form of Chinese foreign equity joint ventures or contractual jointventures established in China; enterprises and institutions solely owned,jointly owned or cooperatively operated by the compatriots from Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan and overseas Chinese in China; as well as enterprises andinstitutions solely owned, jointly owned or cooperatively operated byChina in Hong Kong, Macao and in foreign countries. They may not makefalse and deceptive reports, or refuse to make reports, or delay thereports. No forgery or illegal alterations of reports shall be allowed.Self-governing mass organizations at the grass-roots level and citizensshall have the obligation to provide accurate information needed in statestatistical investigation.Article 4The state shall, in a planned way, equip statistical agencies under thepeople's governments at various levels with modern information technologyand set up and perfect the state automatic system for statisticalinformation. The various competent departments in the State Council may,according to their needs, equip in a planned way the statistical agenciesat the departments and their affiliated organizations with moderninformation technology.
Article 5Statistical agencies at various levels and statistical personnel mustestablish responsibility systems as well as systems for checks, awards andpenalties for their staff so as to improve their work and raise efficiencyconstantly. At the same time, they shall exercise the following functionsand powers independently according to law:(1) the power of statistical survey - investigating and collectingrelevant information, holding relevant investigation meetings, checkingall kinds of original records and evidence concerning statistical data.The units and personnel to be investigated must provide true informationand data and may not refuse to make reports, or make false or deceptivereports;(2) the power to make statistical reports - sorting out and analysing theinformation and data obtained from statistical investigations andsubmitting statistical reports to leading organs at higher levels andrelevant departments. No units and individuals shall obstruct or withholdthe statistical reports nor tamper with statistical data;(3) the power of statistical supervision - according to statisticalinvestigation and statistical analysis, conducting statistical supervisionof the national economic and social development, checking theimplementation of national policies and plans, assessing economic results,social effect and achievements, examining and exposing existing problems,examining practices of making false and deceptive statistical reports andsubmitting proposals for the improvement of work. Departments concernedshall promptly deal with and reply to the problems reported or exposed andthe proposals made by statistical agencies and personnel.Article 6Local people's governments, at various levels, competent departments andenterprises and institutions shall, according to the state statisticaltasks and the needs of their respective localities, departments and units,strengthen the leadership and supervision over statistical work:(1) leading and supporting statistical agencies and personnel and otherrelevant personnel in implementing statistical laws, regulations andsystems, completing accurately and timely statistical tasks and promotingmodernization of statistical work;(2) drawing and organizing statistical personnel into meetings to discussrelevant policies and plans and study questions concerning economic andsocial development so that statistics may play a role of service andsupervision;(3) organizing implementation of major general investigations of nationalconditions and national strength according to the State's unified plan;(4) examining and approving plans of statistical investigation accordingto relevant provisions and providing the personnel and funds needed forthe approved statistical investigations.
Article 7The State Statistical Bureau and statistical agencies under the localpeople's governments at or above the county level shall be the stateorgans to execute statistical laws and regulations and supervise theirimplementation. It shall be their responsibility to check theimplementation of statistical laws and regulations, uphold the lawfulpowers and rights of statistical agencies and personnel and fight againstviolations of statistical laws and regulations.
【章名】Chapter II Statistical Investigation Plans and Statistical Systems
Article 8Statistical agencies and competent departments under the people'sgovernments at or above the county level shall establish separatestatistical systems and draw up separate statistical investigation plansat the following three levels and shall implement the systems and plansafter they have been approved by examination organs according to relevantprovisions:(1) National statistical investigation. It shall be a nation-widestatistical investigation of the basic conditions in the country, coveringsuch items for investigation as solely worked out by the State StatisticalBureau and those jointly worked out by the State Statistical Bureau andrelevant departments under the State Council. New and important items forinvestigation in national statistical investigation plans shall bereported to the State Council for examination and approval by the StateStatistical Bureau. Regular and general items for investigation shall beexamined and approved by the State Statistical Bureau as authorized by theState Council. All localities, departments and units must strictlyimplement national statistical investigation plans.The State generally carri
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