

點(diǎn)擊數(shù):   更新日期:2008年10月05日


發(fā) 文 號(hào):中國民用航空總局發(fā)布
craft shall fly within a specified air corridor or overa specified entry/exit point when across the national boundary of thePeople's Republic of China. Deviation from the air corridor or theentry/exit point is prohibited.Article 12Within a time limit of 15-20 minutes before flying across the boundary ofthe People's Republic of China either in entry or exit, the flight crew ofa foreign civil aircraft shall report the following to the relevant ATCservice of the General Administration of Civil Aviation of China:- aircraft call sign;- estimated time of crossing the national boundary;- flight altitude; andto obtain a clearance for flying across the national boundary in entry orexit. Without such clearance the aircraft is not permitted to make entryinto or exit from the national boundary.Article 13A foreign civil aircraft, while flying across the border of the People'sRepublic of China or flying over a specified reporting point in theterritory of the People's Republic of China, shall report immediately itsposition to the relevant ATC service of the General Administration ofCivil Aviation of China. Position report shall contain:(1) aircraft call sign;(2) position;(3) time;(4) flight altitude or flight level;(5) estimated time of flying over the next position or estimated time ofarrival at the aerodrome of landing;(6) other particulars requested by the ATC service or deemed necessary toreport by the air crew.Article 14When a foreign civil aircraft having flown across the national boundary ofthe People's Republic of China either in exit or in entry is unable tocontinue its flight due to weather deterioration, malfunction of theaircraft or any other special reasons, it is permitted to return by theoriginal route or air corridor. The flight crew shall, in the meantime,report the following to the relevant ATC service of the GeneralAdministration of Civil Aviation of China:- aircraft call sign;- reason for forced return;- time beginning to return;- flight altitude, and- aerodrome for intended landing.If no instructions have been received within the territory of the People'sRepublic of China from the relevant ATC service of the GeneralAdministration of Civil Aviation of China, the return flight shallgenerally take a course of opposite direction at a flight levelimmediately below the one originally flown. In case this flight level isbelow the minimum safe altitude, the return flight level shall then beimmediately above the one originally flown.
Article 15No foreign civil aircraft is allowed to fly across the boundary of thePeople's Republic of China or to operate therein without havingestablished radio contact with the relevant ATC service of the GeneralAdministration of Civil Aviation of China.Article 16When a foreign civil aircraft making flight within the territory of thePeople's Republic of China interrupts its contact with the aeronauticalradio station of the relevant ATC service of the General Administration ofCivil Aviation of China, its crew shall manage to establish contact withother aeronautical radio stations or other aircraft in flight to relayaeronautical information. When such effort is of no avail, the flightshall be conducted in accordance with the following procedures: In visualmeteorological conditions, the aircraft shall continue to maintain itsflight in VMC and land at a nearby aerodrome (i.e. the aerodrome ofdeparture, the intended aerodrome of landing or alternate aerodromepreviously designated by the General Administration of Civil Aviation ofChina). The landing should be made in accordance with procedures laid downin Attachment I, "Symbols and Signals used as Means of AuxiliaryCommunications", to these Rules.In instrument meteorological conditions or when a landing at a nearbyaerodrome cannot be made in VMC, the aircraft shall proceed strictlyaccording to the current flight plan and fly over the NDB of a designatedaerodrome of landing, commencing descent at the estimated time of arrivalspecified in the flight plan. The landing should be made within thirtyminutes after ETA in accordance with the normal instrument approachprocedure of the NDB.In case of radio failure, if the aircraft transmitter is functioning, theaircraft shall make blind transmission giving the pilot's intention ofcontinued flight and other flight information. Blind transmission shallalso be made at predetermined time intervals or over the predeterminedreporting points. If, however, the aircraft receiver is functioning, theaircraft shall keep a continuous listening watch for the instructions fromthe aeronautical ground radio station.Article 17The visual meteorological conditions for an aircraft operating within theterritory of the People's Republic of China are as follows:- visibility: not less than 8km;- vertical distance of aircraft from the cloud base: not less than 300m;- horizontal distance of aircraft from cloud: not less than 1,500m.
Article 18The term "safe altitude" refers to the minimum flight altitude whichensures an aircraft to avoid collision with surface obstacles.Over mountainous region and plateau area the safe altitude along an airroute within the territory of the People's Republic of China is 600m abovethe highest elevation within 25km on each side of the centre line of theair route; over areas other than mountainous region and plateau area, thesafe altitude is 400m above the highest elevation within 25km on each sideof the centre line of the air route.Article 19A foreign civil aircraft making flight within the territory of thePeople's Republic of China shall fly at a specified level or altitude.The flight levels within the territory of the People's Republic of Chinaare as follows: 0 through 179 degrees (T): from 600m to 6,000m, flightlevels are at intervals of 600m; above 6,000m, they are at intervals of2,000m.180 through 359 degrees (T): from 900m to 5,700m, flight levels are atintervals of 600m; above 7,000m, flight levels are at intervals of 2,000m.Flight levels are calculated on a specific pressure datum of 760mm heightof mercury and courses are measured from true north at the initial andturning point of an air route.Article 20The flight altitude or flight level for each flight conducted by a foreigncivil aircraft within the territory of the People's Republic of China isassigned by the relevant ATC service of the General Administration ofCivil Aviation of China. When a foreign civil aircraft finds it necessaryto change its altitude or flight level during flight, no matter whatweather conditions prevails, a clearance must be obtained beforehand fromthe relevant ATC service of the General Administration of Civil Aviationof China.Article 21A foreign civil aircraft making flight within the territory of thePeople's Republic of China shall follow a specified air route, deviationfrom which is prohibited. The maximum width of an air route within theterritory of the People's Republic of China is 20km and the minimum widthis 8km.Article 22If the pilot-in-command of a foreign civil aircraft flying within theterritory of the People's Republic of China is unable to determine hisposition, he shall report to the relevant ATC service of the GeneralAdministration of Civil Aviation of China immediately. When a foreigncivil aircraft in flight deviates from a specified air route, the relevantATC service of the General Administration of Civil Aviation of China shalldo its possible to assist the aircraft in recovering its original route.However, the ATC service of the General Administration of Civil Aviationof China shall not be held responsible for whatever consequences resultedtherefrom.
Article 23The following rules shall apply when aircraft approaching each other invisual flight:(1) when two aircraft are approaching head-on at the same level, eachshall alter its course to the right, maintaining a separation between themof 500 metres or more;(2) when two aircraf
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