

點擊數(shù):   更新日期:2008年10月05日


發(fā) 文 號:中華人民共和國主席令第二十八號
and may concurrectly bepunished by a fine.Article 27Whoever uses unqualified measuring instruments or impairs the accuracy ofmeasuring instruments, thus causing losses to the State and consumers,shall be ordered to make compensation for the losses and shall have hismeasuring instruments and unlawful income confiscated and may concurrentlybe punished by a fine.Article 28Whoever manufactures, sells or uses measuring instruments for the purposeof deceiving consumers shall have his measuring instruments and unlawfulincome confiscated and may concurrently be punished by a fine. If thecircumstances are serious, the individual or the person in the unit who isdirectly responsible shall be investigated for his criminal responsibilityaccording to the crimes of swindling or speculation.Article 29When any individual or unit, in violation of the provisions of this Law,manufactures, repairs or sells unqualified measuring instruments leadingto people's injury or death or causing major property losses, theindividual or the person in the unit who is directly responsible shall beinvestigated for his criminal responsibility by reference to theprovisions of Article 187 of the Criminal Law.
Article 30A metrological supervisor who transgresses the law and neglects his duty,where the circumstances are serious, shall be investigated for criminalresponsibility pursuant to the relevant provisions of the Criminal Law. Ifthe circumstances are minor, he shall be given an administrative sanction.Article 31The administrative sanction provided for in this Law shall be determinedby the metrological administrative department of a people's government ator above the county level. The administrative sanction provided for inArticle 27 of this Law may also be determined by the administrativedepartments for industry and commerce.Article 32A party who refuses to accept the decision of the administrative sanctionmay, within 15 days after receipt of the notification of the decision,file suit in a people's court. If within that time limit the party doesnot file suit or comply with the penalty of paying a fine and having hisunlawful income confiscated, the administrative authorities which havemade the decision of the administrative sanction may request the people'scourt for compulsory execution.
【章名】Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions
Article 33Measures for the administration of and supervision over metrological workin the Chinese People's Liberation Army and in units under thejurisdiction of the Commission on Science, Technology and Industry forNational Defence shall be formulated separately by the State Council andthe Central Military Commission in accordance with this Law.Article 34The metrological administrative department of the State Council shall, inaccordance with this Law, formulate rules for its implementation, whichshall go into effect after being submitted to and approved by the StateCouncil.Article 35This Law shall go into effect on July 1, 1986.
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