發(fā) 文 號(hào):1987年1月19日國(guó)務(wù)院批準(zhǔn)1987年2月25日國(guó)家統(tǒng)計(jì)局
hetownships and towns in strengthening rural foundational statistical work,amplifying systems of statistical accounting and statistical files in thetownships and towns and leading the statistical work in places under theirjurisdiction.The people's governments in the provinces, autonomous regions andmunicipalities directly under the Central Government or in themunicipalities and counties shall post statisticians in townships andtowns in accordance with the provisions of the Statistics Law and theneeds of statistical work and shall set up and improve networks ofstatistical information among townships and towns. Vocationally,statisticians in townships and towns and the statistical networks shall beunder the leadership of the statistical agencies under the people'sgovernments at the county level.The statistical work in the administrative hamlets under townships andtowns shall be administered by the persons specially appointed byvillagers and committees. Vocationally, they shall be under theleadership of townships and towns statisticians.
Article 23The statistical agencies or the persons responsible for statistical workin the competent departments under the people's governments at variouslevels shall perform the comprehensive statistical functions in theirdepartments. Their functions and responsibilities shall be:(1) organizing, directing and, in a comprehensive way, coordinating thestatistical work of various functional organs in the departments (such asorgans of production, supply and marketing, capital construction, labourand personnel, finance, and accounting, etc.), jointly accomplishing thetasks of national, departmental and local statistical investigation andimplementing, checking and supervising the implementation of statisticallaws and regulations;(2) drafting plans to update the statistical work in the departments,working out the statistical investigation plans and their investigationprograms of the departments, organizing and directing the statistical workof enterprises and institutions in the departments or in the systems undertheir jurisdiction, and intensifying the building of statisticalcontingents and of the foundation of statistical work;(3) in accordance with relevant stipulations, reporting and providing thebasic statistical data of the departments to leading organs and thestatistical agencies under the people's governments at the same levels andconducting, in conjunction with planning and other relevant functionalorgans, statistical analysis, forecast and supervision of theimplementation of the policies and plans and the results of management andadministration in these departments;(4) administering the statistical investigation forms devised and issuedby the basic statistical data of the departments they belong to;(5) organizing and directing, in conjunction with the personnel andeducational agencies in the departments they belong to, the statisticaleducation and the training of statistical cadres, assessing theperformances of the statistical personnel and meting out awards andpenalties, and strengthening the study of statistical science in thesedepartments. The statistical agencies of the competent departments in thepeople's governments at various levels shall be established according toactual needs and the principle of efficient and simple administration andin the light of the provisions of the Statistics Law.
Article 24The statistical agencies and the various competent departments under thepeople's governments at various levels may, in accordance with the needsof their tasks, set up statistical inspection agencies or posts forstatistical inspectors provided that no excess staff shall occur. Theresponsibilities of statistical inspection agencies and statisticalinspectors are:(1) checking regularly and thoroughly the implementation of statisticallaws and regulations and exposing, informing against or dealing withviolations of statistical laws and regulations;(2) meting out penalties for the individuals and units that violatestatistical laws and regulations; if crimes are committed, the relevantindividuals or units shall be investigated for criminal liability byjudicial organs;(3) submitting proposals concerning commendation and awards for thoseindividuals or collectives that meet the requirements of Article 30 ofthese Rules. Statistical inspection agencies and statistical inspectorsshall exercise the authority of statistical inspection within theprescribed limits of responsibility. Statistical inspectors shall beappointed by the statistical agencies under the people's governments atvarious levels or the various competent departments and be issued withStatistical Inspector's Certificate, which shall be printed by the StateStatistical Bureau. When performing their duties, statistical inspectorsshall be empowered to send out Inquiries for Statistical Inspection, whichshall be answered accurately and promptly by the leaders and the personsin charge in the inspected units. Those who refuse to answer shall bepunished according to relevant stipulations.
Article 25The statistical agencies or persons in charge of statistics in enterprisesand institutions shall take charge of the comprehensive statistics intheir units. Their functions and responsibilities shall be:(1) organizing, directing and coordinating in a comprehensive way thestatistical work of the various functional organs and subordinate agenciesin their units, jointly accomplishing the tasks of national, departmentaland local statistical investigation, formulating and implementing thestatistical plans and systems of their units, implementing, checking andsupervising the implementation of statistical laws and regulations;(2) in accordance with relevant stipulations, reporting and providingstatistical data to the competent departments, the statistical agenciesunder the local people's governments and statisticians in townships andtowns and conducting statistical analysis and supervision of theimplementation of the plans and the results of management andadministration in their units;(3) administering the statistical investigation forms and basicstatistical data of their units;(4) in conjunction with relevant functional organs, improving systems ofmeasurement and testing, amplifying systems of original records,statistical accounting and bookkeeping. The statistical agencies orpersons in charge of statistics in enterprises and institutions shall bedirected by the statistical agencies under the local people's governmentsor townships and towns statisticians in statistical matters. In small andmedium-sized enterprises and institutions where there are no full-timestatisticians, persons may be appointed to be specially responsible forstatistical work.
Article 26The term of persons in charge of statistics refers to personnelundertaking administrative duties who perform the responsibilitiesprovided for in the Statistics Law on behalf of their departments orunits. In general, where there are no statistical agencies, personsqualified to take up professional statistical posts shall be put in chargeof statistics.Article 27All localities, departments and enterprises and institutions shallestablish professional statistical posts according to state stipulationsand actual needs.Article 28Before any persons holding professional statistical posts are transferred,it shall be necessary to seek the opinions of the statistical agencies orpersons in charge of statistics in their respective localities,departments and units. Consent shall be obtained of the statisticalagencies at the next higher levels prior to the transfer of any personsholding professional posts above intermediate levels. Consent of thestatistical agencies under the people's governments at the next higherlevels shall be obtained prior to the transfer of the chief responsiblecadres in the statistical agencies under the local people's governments atvarious levels. Consen