

點擊數(shù):   更新日期:2008年10月05日


發(fā) 文 號:1987年1月19日國務(wù)院批準(zhǔn)1987年2月1日國家計量局發(fā)
ns forexamination may be submitted to the administrative departments formeasurement of the people's governments at the next higher level. Onlythose enterprises and institutions which have obtained Licence forRepairing Measurement Instruments by passing the examination may beallowed to use the uniform marks stipulated by the State and startbusiness operations.Article 16The individual industrial and commercial businesses which are engaged inmanufacturing or repairing measurement instruments must have regularbusiness premises. Those which want to apply for the Licence forManufacturing Measurement Instruments or the Licence for RepairingMeasurement Instruments may do so according to the procedures provided forin Article 15 of these Rules. If they move to do business in other places,they must send the original licence to the administrative department formeasurement of the local people's government where they have moved, forverification and approval before they can apply for new business licences.Article 17The examination for enterprises, institutions or individual industrial andcommercial businesses which apply for the Licence for ManufacturingMeasurement Instruments and the Licence for Repairing MeasurementInstruments consists of the following items:(1) production facilities;(2) facilities for testing and determining products;(3) technical levels of the workers and staff members;(4) relevant technical documents and regulations and rules concerningmeasurements.
Article 18The product design of a new measurement instrument, which has never beenproduced in the country, must be appraised before it can be manufactured.When the product design has been finalized, it is necessary to go throughformalities of model approval and obtain the relevant certificate. Newproducts whose designs have been finalized in the country but have neverbeen produced by the producer must be tested and their prototypes be made.A certificate of quality shall be issued after the test of prototype ispassed. Those measurement instruments which have not obtained modelapproval or certificates of quality of their prototypes shall not beallowed to be produced.Article 19The product design appraisement of a new measurement instrument shall beconducted by the technical agency authorized by the measurementadministration under the State Council. Prototypes of the instrument shallbe tested by the technical agency authorized by the administrativedepartment for measurement of the local people's government at theprovincial level.The models of new measurement instruments shall be approved by theadministrative departments for measurement of the local people'sgovernments at the provincial level. The models approved by suchdepartments can be used as nationally applicable models after they havebeen finalized by the measurement administration under the State Council.Article 20The Units applying for model design appraisement for a new measurementinstrument and prototype testing should provide a prototype of the newproduct, and the relevant technical documents and data.The units responsible for the appraisement and testing must withholdsecret of the prototype, the technical documents and data provided by theapplicants.Article 21The various relevant competent authorities should strengthen control overthe quality of the measurement instruments manufactured and repaired bythe enterprises and institutions. The administrative departments formeasurement in the people's governments above the county level areempowered to carry out supervision and inspection, including sampling andsupervised testing. The measurement instruments without stamps orcertificates of quality or those measurement instruments which have failedto pass the examination and determination shall not be allowed to leavethe factories.
【章名】Chapter V Marketing and Use of Measurement Instruments
Article 22Foreign businessmen selling measurement instruments in China must applyfor model approval to the measurement administration under the StateCouncil according to the provisions in Article 18 of these Rules.Article 23The administrative departments for measurement of the people's governmentsabove the county level exercise supervision and inspection over themeasurement instruments sold locally. The instruments without qualitystamps or certificates of quality or the marks of the Licence forManufacturing Measurement Instruments may not be marketed.Article 24No units or individuals may deal in rejected or defective spares andcomponents of measurement instruments or use them in assembling andrepairing measurement instruments.Article 25No units or individuals may use in their work the measurement instrumentswithout quality stamps or certificates of examination and determination orthose instruments which have exceeded the period of examination anddetermination or those instruments which have been rejected in examinationand determination. This provision does not apply to the measurementinstruments used in teaching demonstration.
【章名】Chapter VI Measurement Supervision
Article 26The responsibilities of the measurement administration under the StateCouncil and the administrative departments for measurement of the localpeople's governments above the county level in the supervision over andimplementation of the laws and regulations concerning measurement are asfollows:(1) carrying out the State policies, measures and regulations concerningmeasurement and promoting the adoption of the State legal measurementunits;(2) making and coordinating development plans for measurementundertakings, designating datum instruments and public standardinstruments, organizing the transmission of measurement values;(3) exercising supervision over the manufacturing, repairing, marketingand using of measurement instruments;(4) conducting measurement attestation, organizing arbitration overexamination and determination and mediating disputes over measurement;(5) supervising and checking the implementation of measurement laws andregulations, and dealing with violations of these laws and regulations inaccordance with the relevant provisions of these Rules.Article 27The measurement control personnel at the administrative departments formeasurement of the people's governments above the county level areresponsible for measurement supervision and administration. Measurementinspectors are responsible for circuit checking in the prescribed areasand places and may, within their stipulated authority, deal, on the spot,with violations of measurement laws and regulations and mete outadministrative sanctions on the merit of each case.Measurement inspectors must pass the examination supervised by theadministrative departments for measurement of the people's governmentsabove the county level, which shall appoint the inspectors and issuerelevant certificates.Article 28The agencies for measurement examination and determination set upaccording to law by the administrative departments for measurement of thepeople's governments above the county level are legal agencies of theState. Their responsibilities are: designating datum instruments andpublic standard instruments, conducting transmission of measurementvalues, carrying out compulsory examination and determination as well asother examination and determination and testing prescribed by law,drafting regulations concerning technical specifications to providetechnical guarantee for exercising measurement supervision and handlingother matters concerning measurement supervision.
Article 29The personnel in charge of measurement examination and determination inthe State legal agencies for measurement examination and determinationmust pass the examinations supervised by the administrative departmentsfor measurement of the people's governments above the county level andmust obtain the necessary certificates. The personnel in charge ofmeasurement examination and determination in othe
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