發(fā) 文 號:一九七九年八月二十五日國務(wù)院批準一九七九年九月十八日交通部
t appointed by the Harbour SuperintendencyAdministration. The specific matters concerning pilotage shall be handledin accordance with the "Provisions for Pilotage in Ports" promulgated bythe Ministry of Communications of the People's Republic of China.Article 5Upon arrival of a vessel at a port, the entry and other relevant reports,together with the certificate of registry and relevant documents shall besubmitted promptly for examination, and the vessel shall be subject toinspection. Before a vessel goes out of a port, the exit and otherrelevant reports shall be submitted and the vessel may go out only with anexit permit issued after inspection.Article 6All weapons and ammunition on board a vessel shall be kept under seal bythe Harbour Superintendency Administration upon arrival of the vessel atthe port. Radio telegraph transmitters, radio telephone transmitters,rocket signals, flame signals and signal guns shall only be used inconditions of emergency; and after such use, reports must be made to theHarbour Superintendency Administration.Article 7It shall be forbidden, inside a port, to shoot, swim, fish or set offfire-crackers or fireworks or do other acts likely to endanger the safetyand order of the port.
Article 8The Harbour Superintendency Administration shall be entitled to prohibit avessel from going out of the port within a specified period of time, ororder it to suspend its voyage, change its course or return to the port ifthe vessel is in any of the following conditions:1. in an unseaworthy condition;2. in contravention of the laws or regulations of the People's Republic ofChina;3. having involved in an accident of marine damage;4. having failed to pay prescribed dues and to provide an appropriateguarantee therefor;5. other conditions which call for prohibition of navigation.Article 9Vessels sailing in the ports and coastal waters of the People's Republicof China shall not engage in activities detrimental to the security,rights and interests of the People's Republic of China and shall abide bythe provisions concerning straits, waterways, navigation lines andrestricted zones.Article 10Vessels shall not sail at such speed in ports as to endanger the safety ofother vessels and port facilities.Article 11The boats (rafts) attached to vessels shall not be allowed to sail inports except for lifesaving purposes.Article 12When sailing or changing berths in ports, vessels shall not have theirattached boats (rafts), derricks, gangways, etc. extended over the boardsides.Article 13Vessels that have to enter into a port of the People's Republic of Chinawhich is open to foreign vessels for the purpose of taking shelter ortemporary berth shall apply to the Harbour Superintendency Administrationfor approval; the application shall include: the ship's name, call sign,nationality, name of the carrier, port of departure, port of destination,ship's position, speed, draft, hull colour(s), funnel colour(s) and mark,and shall take shelter at the specified place.Vessels that have to take shelter or temporary berth in a place other thanthe ports open to foreign vessels of the People's Republic of China shall,in addition to going through the above procedures for the application forapproval, abide by the following:1. duly report to the Harbour Superintendency Administration in theneighbourhood on the anchoring time, position and the time of departure;2. observe the provisions of the relevant local departments, subjectitself to inspection and enquiry and obey orders;3. the personnel on board the vessel shall not come to land nor shall thegoods on board be unloaded without the approval of the relevant localdepartments.
【章名】Chapter II Berthing
Article 14Vessels berthed in a port shall have on duty a number of seamen sufficientto ensure the safe operation of the vessel and, in times of a typhoonwarning or other emergency conditions, all crew members shall immediatelyreturn on board to take preventive and other measures.Article 15The gangways of a vessel set up where the crew members, passengers andother personnel embark and disembark shall be firm and secure and armedwith rails or hand ropes; rope ladders shall be firm and safe, withadequate illumination at night.Article 16When a vessel has to start its engine, attention shall be paid to thesurroundings of the stern and it shall only be done in circumstances wherethe safety of other vessels and port facilities will not be endangered.Article 17The water outlets on both sides of a vessel berthed in a port, which arelikely to affect other vessels, the pier or the embarkation anddisembarkation of personnel shall be covered.Article 18The light of a vessel shall not affect the safety of navigation of othervessels and strong lights of the vessel projected towards the course ofnavigation shall be blocked.Article 19Vessels shall provide safe and good conditions for loading and unloadingoperations and the loading and unloading installations shall possesscertificates of compliances and be maintained in good technical condition.Article 20A vessel shall make prior applications to the Harbour SuperintendencyAdministration for approval to carry out the following operations:1. dismantling and repair of boilers, main engine, windlasses, steeringgear and transmitters;2. trial voyages and trial runs;3. setting down boats (rafts) to carry out lifesaving rehearsal;4. welding or soldering (except for repair in a dockyard) or carrying outoperations with uncovered light on the deck;5. hanging out decorative lamps.Article 21In the fumigation of a vessel, strict safety measures shall be taken andthe signal stipulated by the Port shall be hoisted.Article 22To ensure safety of the port and vessels, the decisions of the HarbourSuperintendency Administration shall be complied with if any ship has tochange berths in the port or set sail ahead of schedule or postponesailing.
【章名】Chapter III Signals and Communication
Article 23Vessels sailing or berthed in the ports and coastal waters of the People'sRepublic of China shall fly the national flags of their countries ofregistry in daytime. When coming into or going out of the ports orchanging berths, they shall additionally fly their vessel flags for calland the relevant signals stipulated by the port.Article 24When coming into or going out of the port or anchoring, vessels shall payattention to the calls and signals of the port signal station and shallobserve the regulations of the People's Republic of China for signals incoastal ports in the use of visual signals. In respect of signals not yetstipulated by coastal ports, "International Rules for Signals" shall beobserved.Article 25Vessels in ports shall not send out sound signals at will except out ofnecessity for navigation safety. When it is necessary to test whistles, areport shall be submitted to the Harbour Superintendency Administration inadvance.Article 26In the use of very high frequency radio telephones in ports, vessels shallabide by the "Interim Measures for the Use of Radio Telephones of Very-high-frequency by Vessels of Foreign Registry" promulgated by the Ministryof Communications of the People's Republic of China.
【章名】Chapter IV Dangerous Goods
Article 27In loading, unloading or transportation of dangerous goods, the vesselsshall hoist the stipulated signals, observe the stipulations for theadministration of the transportation of dangerous goods and take necessarysafety measures. In particular, goods with mutually-conflicting propertiesshall not be loaded in a mixed way and it shall strictly be prohibited toload explosive articles together with igniters or combustible articles inthe same holds.Article 28In carrying Class-1 strongly dangerous goods such as explosive articles,deadly poisonous articles, radioactive articles, compressed gases andliquefied gases, oxidizers, spontaneous combustible articles, articlesthat igni