

點(diǎn)擊數(shù):   更新日期:2008年10月05日


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發(fā) 文 號(hào):中華人民共和國(guó)主席令第四十六號(hào)
epartment.Except in cases of emergency, no person shall be allowed to embark on ordisembark from the ship or airborne vehicle, and no articles such asbaggage, goods and postal parcels shall be loaded or unloaded without thepermission of a frontier health and quarantine office or the local healthadministration department.Article 10When a quarantinable infectious disease, a disease suspected to bequarantinable or a death due to an unidentified cause other thanaccidental harm is discovered at a frontier port, the relevant departmentat the frontier port and the person in charge of the conveyance mustreport immediately to the frontier health and quarantine office and applyfor provisional quarantine inspection.Article 11According to the results of an inspection made by quarantine doctors, thefrontier health and quarantine office shall sign and issue a quarantinecertificate for entry or exit to a conveyance either uncontaminated by anyquarantinable infectious disease or already given decontaminationtreatment.Article 12A person having a quarantinable infectious disease shall be placed inisolation by the frontier health and quarantine office for a perioddetermined by the results of the medical examination, while a personsuspected of having a quarantinable infectious disease shall be kept forinspection for a period determined by the incubation period of suchdisease. The corpse of anyone who died from a quarantinable infectiousdisease must be cremated at a nearby place.
Article 13Any conveyance subject to entry quarantine inspection shall bedisinfected, deratted, treated with insecticides or given other sanitationmeasures when found to be in any of the following conditions:(1) having come from an area where a quarantinable infectious disease isepidemic;(2) being contaminated by a quarantinable infectious disease; or(3) revealing the presence of rodents which affect human health or insectswhich are carriers of disease.Apart from exceptional cases, when the person in charge of the foreignconveyance refuses to allow sanitation measures to be taken, theconveyance shall be allowed to leave the frontier of the People's Republicof China without delay under the supervision of the frontier health andquarantine office.Article 14A frontier health and quarantine office shall conduct sanitationinspections and disinfect, derate, treat with insecticides or apply othersanitation measures to articles such as baggage, goods and postal parcelsthat come from an epidemic area and are contaminated by a quarantinableinfectious disease or may act as a vehicle of a quarantinable infectiousdisease.A consignor or an agent for the transportation of a corpse or humanremains into or out of the country must declare the matter to a frontierhealth and quarantine office; transport thereof, in either directionacross the border, shall not be allowed until sanitary inspection provessatisfactory and an entry or exit permit is given.
【章名】Chapter III Monitoring of Infectious Diseases
Article 15Frontier health and quarantine offices shall monitor persons on entry orexit for quarantinable infectious diseases and shall take necessarypreventive and control measures.Article 16Frontier health and quarantine offices shall be authorized to requirepersons on entry or exit to complete a health declaration form and producecertificates of vaccination against certain infectious diseases, a healthcertificate or other relevant documents.Article 17For persons who suffer from infectious diseases to be monitored, who comefrom areas in foreign countries where infectious diseases to be monitoredare epidemic or who have close contact with patients suffering frominfectious diseases to be monitored, the frontier health and quarantineoffices shall, according to each case, issue them medical conveniencecards, keep them for inspection or take other preventive or controlmeasures, while promptly notifying the local health administrationdepartment about such cases. Medical services at all places shall givepriority in consultation and treatment to persons possessing medicalconvenience cards.
【章名】Chapter IV Health Supervision
Article 18Frontier health and quarantine offices shall, in accordance with statehealth standards, exercise health supervision over the sanitary conditionsat frontier ports and the sanitary conditions of conveyances on entry orexit at frontier ports. They shall:(1) supervise and direct concerned personnel on the prevention andelimination of rodents and insects that carry diseases;(2) inspect and test food and drinking water and facilities for theirstorage, supply and delivery;(3) supervise the health of employees engaged in the supply of food anddrinking water and check their health certificates; and(4) supervise and inspect the disposal of garbage, waste matter, sewage,excrement and ballast water.Article 19Frontier health and quarantine offices shall have frontier port healthsupervisors, who shall carry out the tasks assigned by the frontier healthand quarantine offices. In performing their duties, frontier port healthsupervisors shall be authorized to conduct health supervision and givetechnical guidance regarding frontier ports and conveyances on entry orexit; to give advice for improvement wherever sanitary conditions areunsatisfactory and factors exist that may spread infectious diseases; andto coordinate departments concerned to take necessary measures and applysanitary treatment.
【章名】Chapter V Legal Liability
Article 20A frontier health and quarantine office may warn or fine, according to thecircumstances, any unit or individual that has violated the provisions ofthis Law by committing any of the following acts:(1) evading quarantine inspection or withholding the truth in reports tothe frontier health and quarantine office;(2) embarking on or disembarking from conveyances upon entry, or loadingor unloading articles such as baggage, goods or postal parcels, withoutthe permission of a frontier health and quarantine office and refusing tolisten to the office's advice against such acts. All fines thus collectedshall be turned over to the state treasury.Article 21If a concerned party refuses to obey a decision on a fine made by afrontier health and quarantine office, he may, within 15 days afterreceiving notice of the fine, file a lawsuit in a local people's court.The frontier health and quarantine office may apply to the people's courtfor mandatory enforcement of a decision if the concerned party neitherfiles a lawsuit nor obeys the decision within the 15-day term.Article 22If a quarantinable infectious disease is caused to spread or is in greatdanger of being spread as a result of a violation of the provisions ofthis Law, criminal responsibility shall be investigated in accordance withArticle 178 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China.Article 23The personnel of frontier health and quarantine offices must enforce thisLaw impartially, perform duties faithfully and promptly conduct quarantineinspection on conveyances and persons upon entry or exit. Those whoviolate the law or are derelict in their duties shall be givendisciplinary sanctions; where circumstances are serious enough toconstitute a crime criminal responsibility shall be investigated inaccordance with the law.
【章名】Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions
Article 24Where the provisions of this Law differ from those of internationaltreaties on health and quarantine that China has concluded or joined, theprovisions of such international treaties shall prevail, with theexception of the treaty clauses on which the People's Republic of Chinahas declared reservations.Article 25In cases of temporary contact between frontier defence units of thePeople's Republic of China and those of a neighbouring country, of atemporary visit at a designated place on the frontier by residents of theborder areas of the two countries and of entry or exit of conveyances andpersons of the two sides, quarantine inspectio
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