

點(diǎn)擊數(shù):   更新日期:2008年10月05日


發(fā) 文 號(hào):中華人民共和國(guó)主席令第九號(hào)
gans and personnel shall adopt the system of responsibilityfor work. They shall, in accordance with the provisions of this Law andthe rules governing statistical work, truthfully provide statistical data,accurately and promptly accomplish the task of statistical work andprotect state secrets.In accordance with the provisions of this Law, statistical organs andpersonnel shall exercise, independently and free from interference, theirfunctions and powers with regard to statistical investigations,statistical reports and statistical supervision.
【章名】Chapter II Plans for Statistical Investigations and the Statis- tical System
Article 8Statistical investigations shall be conducted in accordance with anapproved plan. A statistical investigation plan shall be drawn upaccording to statistical investigation items. State statisticalinvestigation items shall be worked out by the State Statistical Bureau,or by the State Statistical Bureau jointly with the relevant department ordepartments of the State Council, and shall be submitted to the StateCouncil for examination and approval.Statistical investigation items of a department shall be worked out, ifthe units to be investigated lie within its jurisdiction, by thedepartment itself and shall be reported to the State Statistical Bureau orto a statistical organ of a local people's government at the same levelfor the record; if the units to be investigated lie beyond itsjurisdiction, the investigation items shall be worked out by thedepartment and shall be reported to the State Statistical Bureau or to astatistical organ of a local people's government at the same level forexamination and approval, but the important items shall be reported to theState Council or a local people's government at the same level forexamination and approval.Local statistical investigation items shall be worked out by statisticalorgans of local people's government at or above the county level, or bystatistical organs of local people's governments at or above the countylevel jointly with the relevant department or departments, and shall allbe reported to local people's governments at the same level forexamination and approval.In the event of serious natural calamities or other unforeseeablesituations, local people's governments at or above the county level maydecide to make interim investigations beyond the original plan.In drawing up a plan for statistical investigation items, it is necessaryto draw up simultaneously appropriate statistical investigation forms,which shall be reported to the State Statistical Bureau or a statisticalorgan of a local people's government at the same level for examination orfor the record.State, departmental and local statistical investigations must beexplicitly divided in their functions. They should be made to dovetailwith each other and not overlap.Article 9For important general surveys of the condition and strength of the countrywhere the joint efforts of different quarters are required, the StateCouncil and local people's governments at various levels shall exerciseunified leadership and organize joint execution by statistical organs andother departments concerned.
Article 10The state shall formulate unified statistical standards to ensurestandardization of definitions of statistical items, computing methods,classification catalogues, investigation forms and statistical codingemployed in statistical investigations. The state statistical standardsshall be formulated by the State Statistical Bureau or by the StateStatistical Bureau jointly with the State Bureau of Standards. Thevarious departments of the State Council may formulate supplementarydepartmental statistical standards. Departmental statistical standards maynot conflict with the state statistical standards.Article 11Establishments concerned have the right to refuse to fill in statisticalinvestigation forms drawn up and issued in violation of this Law andrelevant state provisions.
【章名】Chapter III The Administration and Publication of Statistical Data
Article 12Statistical data within the scope of state and local statisticalinvestigations shall be separately placed under the unified administrationof the State Statistical Bureau, the statistical organs of local people'sgovernments at and above the county level or the statisticians oftownships and towns.Statistical data within the scope of departmental statisticalinvestigations shall be placed under the unified administration ofstatistical organs or persons in charge of statistics of competentdepartments.Statistical data of enterprises and institutions shall be placed under theunified administration of statistical organs or persons in charge ofstatistics of the enterprises and institutions.Article 13Statistical data shall, in accordance with the state provisions, bepublished periodically by the State Statistical Bureau and statisticalorgans of the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions andmunicipalities directly under the Central Government.Statistical data to be published by various localities, departments andunits shall be checked and ratified by the statistical organs or personsin charge of statistics as prescribed in Article 12 of this Law, and shallbe submitted for examination and approval according to proceduresstipulated by the state.Article 14Statistical data pertaining to state secrets must be kept confidential.Single item investigation data concerning any private individual orhis/her family shall not be divulged without the consent of the saidperson.
【章名】Chapter IV Statistical Organs and Personnel
Article 15Independent statistical organs shall be established in local people'sgovernments at and above the county level, and people's governments oftownships and towns shall be staffed with full-time or part-timestatisticians, who shall be responsible for organizing, guiding andcoordinating the statistical work in their respective administrativeareas.Article 16The administrative structure with regard to statistical organs of localpeople's governments at and above the county level and statisticians oftownships and towns shall be specifically prescribed by the State Council.The sizes of the staff of statistical organs of local people's governmentsat various levels shall be prescribed by the state in a unified way.Article 17The departments of the State Council and local people's governments atvarious levels shall, according to the needs of their statistical work,establish statistical organs, or staff relevant organs with statisticalpersonnel, and appoint persons in charge of statistics. These statisticalorgans and persons in charge of statistics are, in statistical work, underthe direction of the State Statistical Bureau or statistical organs oflocal people's governments at the corresponding level.Article 18Enterprises and institutions shall, according to the needs of theirstatistical work, establish statistical organs or staff relevant organswith statistical personnel, and appoint persons in charge of statistics.Enterprises and institutions shall fulfil state or local statisticalinvestigation tasks and accept the direction of statistical organs oflocal people's governments.Article 19The main functions of the State Statistical Bureau and statistical organsof local people's governments at various levels are as follows:(1) to draw up plans for statistical investigations and map out andinspect statistical work throughout the country or in their respectiveadministrative areas;(2) to organize state and local statistical investigations and to collect,compile and provide statistical data of the whole country or of theirrespective administrative areas;(3) to make statistical analyses of national economic and socialdevelopment and to exercise statistical supervision; and(4) to administer and coordinate work concerning the statisticalinvestigation forms and statistical stand
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