

點擊數(shù):   更新日期:2008年10月05日


發(fā) 文 號:衛(wèi)生部、交通部、中國民航總局和鐵道部發(fā)布
【章名】Chapter III Sanitation Requirements for Means of Transport
Article 11Means of transport shall be equipped with first-aid medicines andequipment as well as disinfectants, insecticides and rodenticides. Ifnecessary, provisional quarantine rooms shall be arranged aboard ships.Article 12Provisions concerning the prevention and elimination of insect vectors androdents from means of transport:(1) ships, aircraft and trains shall be provided with adequate preventivemeasures against rodents so as to eliminate them or to reduce theirnumbers to a harmless level;(2) these means of transport shall be kept free from mosquitos, flies orother harmful insects, which shall be eliminated upon discovery.Article 13The toilets and bathrooms on means of transport shall be kept clean, tidyand free from unpleasant odours.Article 14The sanitation requirements for the disposal of excrement, urine, refuseand sewage on means of transport are as follows:(1) daily refuse shall be put in containers with covers, prohibited frombeing dumped indiscriminately into port areas, airports or station areasand must be removed by means of special refuse vehicles (or vessels) todesignated places for treatment. If necessary, excrement, urine and sewageshall go through sanitary treatment before being disposed of;(2) the refuse in solid form on board means of transport from epidemicareas of plague shall be disposed of by incineration, while the excrement,urine, ballast water and sewage on board means of transport from theepidemic areas of cholera shall be sterilized if necessary.Article 15The sanitation requirements for cargo holds, luggage cars, postal cars andfreight cars of means of transport as well as trucks are as follows:(1) such insect vectors and harmful animals as mosquitos, flies,cockroaches and mice and conditions favourable for their breeding shall beeliminated from cargo holds, luggage cars, postal cars, freight cars andtrucks which shall be thoroughly cleaned before goods are being loaded orunloaded so as to be free of excrement, urine and refuse;(2) the freight cars or trucks carrying poisonous substances and foodshall be placed separately in different designated places so as to avoidcontamination and shall be thoroughly cleaned after goods are completelyunloaded;(3) the luggage and goods from epidemic areas shall be carefully examinedso that no insect vectors and rodents shall subsist therein.
Article 16The sanitation requirements for passenger cabins, lodging cabins andpassenger cars of means of transport as well as passenger vehicles are asfollows:(1) passenger cabins, lodging cabins, passenger cars and other passengervehicles shall be cleaned whenever necessary, kept free of refuse and dustand well ventilated;(2) beddings shall be replaced and washed after use each time and be freeof lice, fleas, bedbugs or other insect vectors.
【章名】Chapter IV Sanitation Requirements for Food, Drinking Water and Personnel Engaged in These Trades
Article 17The food supplied to border ports and on means of transport shall conformto the provisions in the Regulations of People's Republic of China on FoodHygienic Control [*2] and food hygienic standards.Article 18The drinking water supplied to border ports and on means of transportshall conform to Hygienic Standards of Drinking Water stipulated by thestate. The vehicles used in transporting drinking water as well as storagecontainers and water pipelines shall be cleaned regularly and kept clean.Article 19The health requirements for personnel engaged in supplying food anddrinking water as follows:(1) the patients or carriers of infectious intestinal diseases orsufferers from active tuberculosis or suppurative exudative dermatosisshall not be engaged in supplying food and drinking water;(2) all personnel engaged in the supply of food and drinking water shallgo through a medical check-up every year. Those newly engaged in this workshall first have a medical check-up and those proved up to the standardshall be granted health certificates;(3) the personnel engaged in the supply of food and drinking water shallcultivate good hygienic habits, dress neatly and cleanly at work andstrictly abide by the hygienic operation system.
【章名】Chapter V The Duties of Persons in Charge of Border Ports and Means of Transport
Article 20The duties of the officers in charge of border ports and means oftransport pertaining to sanitation and hygiene are as follows:(1) to do a good job in keeping up to the sanitation and hygienestandards, and be always ready for the supervision and inspection by thesanitary supervision personnel and provide them with facilities for theirwork;(2) to play an exemplary role in abiding by these Measures and othersanitation decrees, regulations and provisions;(3) to promptly adopt remedial measures to change the unsanitaryconditions of border ports and the means of transport in accordance withthe advice of the sanitation supervisors;(4) to report to the border health quarantine authorities or localepidemic prevention department and immediately adopt epidemic preventionmeasures when a quarantine infectious disease or a monitored one is found.
【章名】Chapter VI The Responsibilities of Sanitation Supervision Authori- ties
Article 21The health quarantine authorities in border ports shall exercisesanitation supervision over border ports and means of transport under theleadership of local people's governments. Their major responsibilitiesare:(1) to supervise and direct the officers in charge of the departmentsconcerned in border ports and on means of transport in the prevention andelimination of insect vectors and rodents;(2) to examine the food and drinking water on board means of transportparked in border ports and ready to cross border in both directions andexercise sanitation supervision over systems of transport, supply andstorage facilities;(3) to carry out examination, supervision and hygienic treatment ofpersons who have died from causes other than accidents in border ports andon board means of transport;(4) to supervise the officers in charge of the departments concerned inborder ports and means of transport in the removal and treatment ofexcrement, urine, refuse and sewage;(5) to exercise sanitation supervision over environmental factors whichare of epidemiological significance to quarantine and monitored infectiousdiseases;(6) to monitor the implementation of the measures to prevent mosquitoesfrom breeding in the vicinity of border ports; and(7) to conduct hygiene publicity and education, spread hygiene knowledgeamong people and heighten the consciousness of the personnel in borderports and on means of transport to abide by and implement these Measures.Article 22A border port health quarantine organ shall be provided with 1 to 5 borderport sanitation supervisors to carry out the tasks of sanitationsupervision and such ports shall be concurrently held by the leadingcadres and professional personnel above the rank of quarantine doctor ofthe border port health quarantine organ, who are of commendablepersonality and great conscientiousness in work. Border port sanitationsupervisors shall be recommended by health quarantine authorities,screened by the public health administration authorities of the provinces,municipalities directly under the Central Government and autonomousregions, and appointed by the Ministry of Public Health of the People'sRepublic of China and granted Certificates of Border Port SanitationSupervisors.Article 23On the strength of their certificates, border port sanitation supervisorsshall have the right to exercise sanitation supervision, inspection andtechnical guidance over the officers in charge of border ports and meansof transport; they may in conjunction with departments concerned, putforward proposals for improvement to the units or individuals concernedwhose sanitation work is dissatisfactory and has resulted in the spread ofinfectious disease and t
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